The Akeneo Event Platform

#Available events

This event is generated whenever an App is deleted from the PIM.


Name Type Description object - string Unique identifier of an App in the PIM.

Example of payload

      "specversion": "1.0",
      "id": "018e32f9-dfe4-760e-a273-5da1c089dfdb",
      "type": "",
      "source": "pim",
      "subject": "srnt-whatever",
      "time": "2024-02-22T17:31:00Z",
      "datacontenttype": "application/json",
      "dataschema": "",
      "data": {
        "app": {
          "client_id": "test_client_id"


This event is generated whenever an attribute is deleted from the PIM.

  • Message ID: com.akeneo.pim.v1.attribute.deleted
  • Content type: application/json


Name Type Description
data.attribute object -
data.attribute.code string Unique identifier of an Attribute in the PIM.

Example of payload

      "specversion": "1.0",
      "id": "b6f4add4-f3d1-4502-8cf0-0f228e054ce5",
      "type": "com.akeneo.pim.v1.attribute.deleted",
      "source": "pim",
      "subject": "srnt-whatever",
      "time": "2024-06-10T17:31:00Z",
      "datacontenttype": "application/json",
      "dataschema": "",
      "data": {
        "attribute": {
          "code": "an-attribute-code"


This event is generated whenever an existing attribute is modified in the PIM.

  • Message ID: com.akeneo.pim.v1.attribute.updated
  • Content type: application/json

The modifications that can lead to this event include changes to the following properties:

  • Labels: Modifying the attribute's name in different locales.
  • Sort Order: Adjusting the order in which the attribute appears.
  • Available Locales: Changing the locales in which the attribute is available.
  • Usable as Grid Filter: Toggling the attribute's availability as a filter in the product grid.
  • Max Characters: Altering the maximum character length allowed for the attribute.
  • Validation Rule: Updating the rules applied for attribute validation.
  • Validation Regexp: Changing the regular expression used for validating the attribute.
  • WYSIWYG Enabled: Enabling or disabling the WYSIWYG editor for the attribute.
  • Number Min/Max: Setting new minimum or maximum values for numeric attributes.
  • Decimals Allowed: Enabling or disabling the allowance of decimals in numeric attributes.
  • Negative Allowed: Toggling the allowance of negative values for numeric attributes.
  • Default Metric Unit: Changing the default unit of measurement for metric attributes.
  • Date Min/Max: Adjusting the earliest and latest allowed dates for date attributes.
  • Allowed Extensions: Modifying the file extensions allowed for file-type attributes.
  • Max File Size: Changing the maximum file size allowed for file-type attributes.
  • Reference Data Name: Updating the reference data associated with the attribute.
  • Default Value: Setting or changing the default value for the attribute.
  • Table Configuration: Altering the table configuration of the attribute.
  • Is Main Identifier: Marking or unmarking the attribute as the main identifier for a product.


Name Type Description
data.attribute object -
data.attribute.code string Unique identifier of an Attribute in the PIM.

Example of payload

      "specversion": "1.0",
      "id": "b6f4add4-f3d1-4502-8cf0-0f228e054ce5",
      "type": "com.akeneo.pim.v1.attribute.updated",
      "source": "pim",
      "subject": "srnt-whatever",
      "time": "2024-06-10T17:31:00Z",
      "datacontenttype": "application/json",
      "dataschema": "",
      "data": {
        "attribute": {
          "code": "an-attribute-code"


This event is generated whenever an attribute group is modified in the PIM.

  • Message ID: com.akeneo.pim.v1.attribute-group.updated
  • Content type: application/json


Name Type Description
data.attribute_group object -
data.attribute_group.code string Unique identifier of an Attribute Group in the PIM.

Example of payload

      "specversion": "1.0",
      "id": "b6f4add4-f3d1-4502-8cf0-0f228e054ce5",
      "type": "com.akeneo.pim.v1.attribute-group.updated",
      "source": "pim",
      "subject": "srnt-whatever",
      "time": "2024-06-10T17:31:00Z",
      "datacontenttype": "application/json",
      "dataschema": "",
      "data": {
        "attribute_group": {
          "code": "an-attribute-group-code"


This event is generated whenever an attribute group is deleted from the PIM.

  • Message ID: com.akeneo.pim.v1.attribute-group.deleted
  • Content type: application/json


Name Type Description
data.attribute_group object -
data.attribute_group.code string Unique identifier of an Attribute Group in the PIM.

Example of payload

      "specversion": "1.0",
      "id": "b6f4add4-f3d1-4502-8cf0-0f228e054ce5",
      "type": "com.akeneo.pim.v1.attribute-group.deleted",
      "source": "pim",
      "subject": "srnt-whatever",
      "time": "2024-06-10T17:31:00Z",
      "datacontenttype": "application/json",
      "dataschema": "",
      "data": {
        "attribute_group": {
          "code": "an_attribute_group_code"


This event is generated whenever a new product is created in the PIM.

The following actions can trigger a product creation event:

  • Product creation from the product page.
  • Product creation using the REST API.
  • Product creation within the rules engine.
  • Product creation within workflows.
  • Product creation via a tailored import.


Name Type Description
data.product object -
data.product.uuid string Unique identifier of a Product in the PIM.

Example of payload

      "specversion": "1.0",
      "id": "018e32f9-dfe4-760e-a273-5da1c089dfdb",
      "type": "com.akeneo.pim.v1.product.created",
      "source": "pim",
      "subject": "srnt-whatever",
      "time": "2024-02-22T17:31:00Z",
      "datacontenttype": "application/json",
      "dataschema": "",
      "data": {
        "product": {
          "uuid": "6a9f8486-2c36-4680-b87f-6f5f8f01b6cf"


This event is generated whenever an existing product is modified in the PIM.

The following actions can trigger a product update event:

  • Product update from the product page.
  • Product update using the REST API.
  • Product update within the rules engine.
  • Product update within workflows.
  • Product update via a tailored import.

The modifications that can lead to this event include:

  • Changes to product properties, such as:
    • Family
    • Parent
    • Enabled status
  • Changes in category association, such as:
    • Adding the product to a category
    • Removing the product from a category
  • Changes in group association, such as:
    • Adding the product to a group
    • Removing the product from a group
  • Adjustments to product values
  • Alterations to product associations, including:
    • Standard associations
    • Quantified associations


Name Type Description
data.product object -
data.product.uuid string Unique identifier of a Product in the PIM.

Example of payload

      "specversion": "1.0",
      "id": "018e32f9-dfe4-760e-a273-5da1c089dfdb",
      "type": "com.akeneo.pim.v1.product.updated",
      "source": "pim",
      "subject": "srnt-whatever",
      "time": "2024-02-22T17:31:00Z",
      "datacontenttype": "application/json",
      "dataschema": "",
      "data": {
        "product": {
          "uuid": "6a9f8486-2c36-4680-b87f-6f5f8f01b6cf"


This event is generated whenever a product is deleted from the PIM.

The following actions can trigger a product deletion event:

  • Product deletion from the product page.
  • Product deletion using the REST API.
  • Product deletion within the rules engine.
  • Product deletion within workflows.
  • Product deletion via a tailored import.


Name Type Description
data.product object -
data.product.uuid string Unique identifier of a Product in the PIM.

Example of payload

      "specversion": "1.0",
      "id": "018e32f9-dfe4-760e-a273-5da1c089dfdb",
      "type": "com.akeneo.pim.v1.product.deleted",
      "source": "pim",
      "subject": "srnt-whatever",
      "time": "2024-02-22T17:31:00Z",
      "datacontenttype": "application/json",
      "dataschema": "",
      "data": {
        "product": {
          "uuid": "6a9f8486-2c36-4680-b87f-6f5f8f01b6cf"


This event is generated whenever a product model is deleted from the PIM.

  • Message ID: com.akeneo.pim.v1.product-model.deleted
  • Content type: application/json


Name Type Description
data.product_model object -
data.product_model.code string Unique identifier of a Product Model in the PIM.

Example of payload

      "specversion": "1.0",
      "id": "b6f4add4-f3d1-4502-8cf0-0f228e054ce5",
      "type": "com.akeneo.pim.v1.product-model.deleted",
      "source": "pim",
      "subject": "srnt-whatever",
      "time": "2024-06-10T17:31:00Z",
      "datacontenttype": "application/json",
      "dataschema": "",
      "data": {
        "product_model": {
          "code": "a-product-model-code"


This event is generated whenever a new product model is created in the PIM.

  • Message ID: com.akeneo.pim.v1.product-model.created
  • Content type: application/json


Name Type Description
data.product object -
data.product.code string Unique identifier of a Product Model in the PIM.

Example of payload

      "specversion": "1.0",
      "id": "b6f4add4-f3d1-4502-8cf0-0f228e054ce5",
      "type": "com.akeneo.pim.v1.product-model.created",
      "source": "pim",
      "subject": "srnt-whatever",
      "time": "2024-06-10T17:31:00Z",
      "datacontenttype": "application/json",
      "dataschema": "",
      "data": {
        "product_model": {
          "code": "a-product-model-code"


This event is generated whenever an existing product model is modified in the PIM.

  • Message ID: com.akeneo.pim.v1.product-model.updated
  • Content type: application/json

The modifications that can lead to this event include:

  • Changes to the product model's parent property.
  • Changes in category association, such as:
    • Adding the product to a category
    • Removing the product from a category
  • Adjustments to product model values.
  • Alterations to product model associations, including:
    • Standard associations
    • Quantified associations


Name Type Description
data.product object -
data.product.code string Unique identifier of a Product Model in the PIM.

Example of payload

      "specversion": "1.0",
      "id": "b6f4add4-f3d1-4502-8cf0-0f228e054ce5",
      "type": "com.akeneo.pim.v1.product-model.updated",
      "source": "pim",
      "subject": "srnt-whatever",
      "time": "2024-06-10T17:31:00Z",
      "datacontenttype": "application/json",
      "dataschema": "",
      "data": {
        "product_model": {
          "code": "a-product-model-code"


This event is generated whenever a connection is deleted from the PIM.

  • Message ID: com.akeneo.pim.v1.connection.deleted
  • Content type: application/json


Name Type Description
data.connection object -
data.connection.client_id string Unique identifier of a connection in the PIM.

Example of payload

      "specversion": "1.0",
      "id": "018e32f9-dfe4-760e-a273-5da1c089dfdb",
      "type": "com.akeneo.pim.v1.connection.deleted",
      "source": "pim",
      "subject": "srnt-whatever",
      "time": "2024-02-22T17:31:00Z",
      "datacontenttype": "application/json",
      "dataschema": "",
      "data": {
        "connection": {
          "code": "connection-code"


This event is generated whenever a new category is added to the PIM.


Name Type Description
data.category object -
data.category.code string Unique identifier of a category

Example of payload

      "specversion": "1.0",
      "id": "018e32f9-dfe4-760e-a273-5da1c089dfdb",
      "type": "com.akeneo.pim.v1.category.created",
      "source": "pim",
      "subject": "srnt-whatever",
      "time": "2024-02-22T17:31:00Z",
      "datacontenttype": "application/json",
      "dataschema": "",
      "data": {
        "category": {
          "code": "category-1"


This event is generated whenever an existing category is modified in the PIM.

The event is triggered when any of the following properties are changed:

  • The parent category.
  • The labels.
  • The values.


Name Type Description
data.category object -
data.category.code string Unique identifier of a category

Example of payload

      "specversion": "1.0",
      "id": "018e32f9-dfe4-760e-a273-5da1c089dfdb",
      "type": "com.akeneo.pim.v1.category.updated",
      "source": "pim",
      "subject": "srnt-whatever",
      "time": "2024-02-22T17:31:00Z",
      "datacontenttype": "application/json",
      "dataschema": "",
      "data": {
        "category": {
          "code": "category-1"


This event is generated whenever a category is deleted from the PIM.


Name Type Description
data.category object -
data.category.code string Unique identifier of a category

Example of payload

      "specversion": "1.0",
      "id": "018e32f9-dfe4-760e-a273-5da1c089dfdb",
      "type": "com.akeneo.pim.v1.category.deleted",
      "source": "pim",
      "subject": "srnt-whatever",
      "time": "2024-02-22T17:31:00Z",
      "datacontenttype": "application/json",
      "dataschema": "",
      "data": {
        "category": {
          "code": "category-1"


This event is generated whenever a new asset is added to PIM.


Name Type Description
data.asset object -
data.asset.asset_family object -
data.asset.asset_family.code string code of an asset family
data.asset.code string code of an asset

Example of payload

      "specversion": "1.0",
      "id": "018e32f9-dfe4-760e-a273-5da1c089dfdb",
      "type": "com.akeneo.pim.v1.asset.created",
      "source": "pim",
      "subject": "srnt-whatever",
      "time": "2024-02-22T17:31:00Z",
      "datacontenttype": "application/json",
      "dataschema": "",
      "data": {
        "asset": {
          "asset_family": {
            "code": "family1"
          "code": "asset1"


This event is generated whenever an existing asset is modified in the PIM.

Only changes in asset values will cause this event.


Name Type Description
data.asset object -
data.asset.asset_family object -
data.asset.asset_family.code string code of an asset family
data.asset.code string code of an asset

Example of payload

      "specversion": "1.0",
      "id": "018e32f9-dfe4-760e-a273-5da1c089dfdb",
      "type": "com.akeneo.pim.v1.asset.updated",
      "source": "pim",
      "subject": "srnt-whatever",
      "time": "2024-02-22T17:31:00Z",
      "datacontenttype": "application/json",
      "dataschema": "",
      "data": {
        "asset": {
          "asset_family": {
            "code": "family1"
          "code": "asset1"


This event is generated whenever an asset is deleted from the PIM.


Name Type Description
data.asset object -
data.asset.asset_family object -
data.asset.asset_family.code string identifier of an asset family
data.asset.code string code of an asset

Example of payload

      "specversion": "1.0",
      "id": "018e32f9-dfe4-760e-a273-5da1c089dfdb",
      "type": "com.akeneo.pim.v1.asset.deleted",
      "source": "pim",
      "subject": "srnt-whatever",
      "time": "2024-02-22T17:31:00Z",
      "datacontenttype": "application/json",
      "dataschema": "",
      "data": {
        "asset": {
          "asset_family": {
            "code": "family1"
          "code": "asset1"

This event is generated whenever an existing family is modified in the PIM.

The event is triggered when any of the following properties are changed:

  • The attribute as image.
  • The attribute requirements.
  • The labels.


Name Type Description object - string code of a family

Example of payload

      "specversion": "1.0",
      "id": "018e32f9-dfe4-760e-a273-5da1c089dfdb",
      "type": "",
      "source": "pim",
      "subject": "srnt-whatever",
      "time": "2024-02-22T17:31:00Z",
      "datacontenttype": "application/json",
      "dataschema": "",
      "data": {
        "family": {
          "code": "a_family_code"

This event is generated whenever a family is deleted from the PIM.


Name Type Description object - string code of a family

Example of payload

      "specversion": "1.0",
      "id": "018e32f9-dfe4-760e-a273-5da1c089dfdb",
      "type": "",
      "source": "pim",
      "subject": "srnt-whatever",
      "time": "2024-02-22T17:31:00Z",
      "datacontenttype": "application/json",
      "dataschema": "",
      "data": {
        "family": {
          "code": "a_family_code"

This event is generated whenever a new family is added to the PIM.


Name Type Description object - string code of a family

Example of payload

      "specversion": "1.0",
      "id": "018e32f9-dfe4-760e-a273-5da1c089dfdb",
      "type": "",
      "source": "pim",
      "subject": "srnt-whatever",
      "time": "2024-02-22T17:31:00Z",
      "datacontenttype": "application/json",
      "dataschema": "",
      "data": {
        "family": {
          "code": "a_family_code"


This event is generated whenever an existing reference entity record is modified in the PIM.

  • Message ID: com.akeneo.pim.v1.reference-entity-record.updated
  • Content type: application/json

The event is triggered when any changes are made to the record values.


Name Type Description
data.reference_entity_record object -
data.reference_entity_record.reference_entity object -
data.reference_entity_record.reference_entity.code string identifier of a reference entity
data.reference_entity_record.code string Unique identifier of a reference entity record

Example of payload

      "specversion": "1.0",
      "id": "6e523497-8231-4892-8f9f-895378b4d045",
      "type": "com.akeneo.pim.v1.reference-entity-record.updated",
      "source": "pim",
      "subject": "srnt-whatever",
      "time": "2024-06-13T10:17:00Z",
      "datacontenttype": "application/json",
      "dataschema": "",
      "data": {
        "reference_entity_record": {
          "code": "Addadas",
          "reference_entity": {
            "code": "brands"


This event is generated whenever an attribute option is deleted from the PIM.

  • Message ID: com.akeneo.pim.v1.attribute-option.deleted
  • Content type: application/json


Name Type Description
data.attribute_option object -
data.attribute_option.code string code of an attribute option
data.attribute_option.attribute object -
data.attribute_option.attribute.code string code of an attribute

Example of payload

      "specversion": "1.0",
      "id": "6e523497-8231-4892-8f9f-895378b4d045",
      "type": "com.akeneo.pim.v1.attribute-option.deleted",
      "source": "pim",
      "subject": "srnt-whatever",
      "time": "2024-06-13T10:17:00Z",
      "datacontenttype": "application/json",
      "dataschema": "",
      "data": {
        "attribute_option": {
          "code": "an_attribute_option_code",
          "attribute": {
            "code": "an_attribute_code"


This event is generated whenever an attribute option is updated in the PIM.

  • Message ID: com.akeneo.pim.v1.attribute-option.updated
  • Content type: application/json


Name Type Description
data.attribute_option object -
data.attribute_option.code string code of an attribute option
data.attribute_option.attribute object -
data.attribute_option.attribute.code string code of an attribute

Example of payload

      "specversion": "1.0",
      "id": "6e523497-8231-4892-8f9f-895378b4d045",
      "type": "com.akeneo.pim.v1.attribute-option.updated",
      "source": "pim",
      "subject": "srnt-whatever",
      "time": "2024-06-13T10:17:00Z",
      "datacontenttype": "application/json",
      "dataschema": "",
      "data": {
        "attribute_option": {
          "code": "an_attribute_option_code",
          "attribute": {
            "code": "an_attribute_code"